Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Can you help ? i'm looking for a Aronov LS-9000 Tube Preamplifier schema but do not know where to get it. Need help.
Does anyone in the Ayon forum have experience with the Spheris lll preamp? I have an Auris and I am thinking of upgrading. I use the CD-5s, a Pass350-8 and B&W 802N, with Shuyata cables. I can get a good deal on an open box unit, and I am trying to decide if the price is worth it. Any comments will be welcome, although negative ones about my person will be cheerfully ignored. Thanks
I have been using Spheris III for a year now together with Vulcan evo (couple of months). Build like a tank. Very transparent but at the same time very musical and organic sound. Have used good preamps in the past (Arc ref 3, Vtl 6.5) but they just can not compete with Ayon.
Has anyone heard the Ayon Crossfire III ? It uses some very properitery tubes. How is the sound like ?