Ayon Audio Made in China?

I read recently that Ayon was made in China-
Is that right --anyone know?
Yogi boy, I always thought REL was made in England. It's worse than I thought.
Yogiboy, reading these threads about China is starting to get depressing. Trump says that if he is elected president he will bring back manufacturing jobs to the states. I wonder if this includes audio jobs.
If that is true, Why didn't Ayon labeled made in Austria instead of just Austria.
As a company that makes preamps in the U.S., we understand when companies do not make full declarations of "Made in ______"

This is because we aren't sure that we can say "Made in USA", even though our preamps are
- assembled, soldered and put together entirely by us, in Pennsylvania from the ground up
- circuit board made in Colorado
- entire chassis machined for us in Pennsylvania
- all possible parts sourced from USA companies, including capacitors, wire, transformer, etc
- circuit and chassis designed at workbenches in Pennsylvania
...etc. etc. etc.

The U.S. government restrictions on "Made in USA" include some guy in a dark suit potentially asking us, "where were the tubes made?" Well, *nobody* in the U.S. makes that part anymore. And many similar questions. We don't have the resources to hire lobbyists to obtain clarification from the relevant government agencies, so we don't even try to say it. We just say "Designed and Assembled in USA".
Isn't it a little late to complain about the manifest (end product) when we could have done something about the latent (cause) a long time ago?