Peachtree Audio DAC IT X Any experience with

Anyone own or listen to this DAC? Thinking about buying but cant find any reviews and the closest dealer it 250 miles away.

You wrote a strong review so I went and bought one. I figure it has a 30 day in home trial so how can you lose? I will be using Thiel 2.3's w/ upgraded drivers. Thanks for your thoughts!
Bcgator, I tried the Peachtree Dac. I returned it. I did a blind sound test on it and didn't notice any difference with it on. My last DAC was a Theta Gen Va and I am wondering if I am a little spoiled as I cant find a DAC under a grand that gives me a thrill. Im trying the Maverick DAC next as it has a 14 day In Home Trial period.I will keep you posted.
Rsa, what do you mean you didn't notice any difference with it on? Difference compared to what?