Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
Tejo, is that Amalia Rodriguez, the great Fado singer? I heard her live at Lorenço Marques, Maputo now, in the early fiftees. P l e a s e tell me the name and marque of the CD/LP, She moved me to tears then, when I was a young boy....
Yes, the same Amália Rodrigues (with an "s" not "z" - that's Spanish...), Detlof. There are dozens of recordings of Amália Rodrigues. I will find out which are the best and let you know. Amália died recently. Saudade.
Thankyou Tejo, that would be very kind. Sad, that she recently died, its a loss. Listened to Pires again, by the way and you are right, such a lightness and yet such intensity. Wonderful!! Regards,
Ok, Detlof. Recently, two discs (double - actually, four discs) were released with "the best" of Amália. Personally, I dislike this kind of approach. Nevertheless, this may be a good start for you. I will look for and provide you the codes (next wednesday - I can also e-mail you that information if you want to tell me your e-mail address). About Maria João Pires (also Portuguese), I believe she's the best living interpreter of Schubert. Lightness and intensity, I absolutely agree. Best regards from Lisbon.
all you mentioned 90% are good for me and i would like to add few more.boat on the river from styx hotel california.losing my relogion from rem,living next door to alice and mexican girl from smokie,old and wise from alan persons project.thewinner takes all from abba.i will survive......also too many classical......