Shipping Set of Speakers across country

I am considering purchasing a set of high end speakers but my issue is that they are located 1600 miles away from me. The dimensions are 52"x 22"x 14", each speaker, they weigh 150lbs each. How do I have them shipped to me so they arrive complete and not damaged?

Has anyone used a freight company with good results?

Any advice is appreciated.
A friend of mine is a speaker manufacturer and uses BAX Global. He's pretty happy with them. Its no guarantee, of course, but good stories are better than bad ones.
There was a recent thread on this. I recently used Adcom and my speakers (similar size and weight) arrived without a blemish. I believe Wilson uses them.
Have them double boxed with rigid foam in between and then strapped to a pallet and shipped freight.
SWAMPWALKER nailed it ....speakers strapped onto a sturdy pallet and pay the full freight tariff to ship them ...if you want to avoid risk of handling and shipping damage. At that weight, freight may be your only option....full stop.
I shipped soundlab M2's in their crates from seattle to NJ using united van lines freight service; arrived without any issues right to my home.