Ayon Audio Made in China?

I read recently that Ayon was made in China-
Is that right --anyone know?
And in today's news "the suckers" are referring to a major European auto maker as a cheater. What goes around...
We still think we live in a meritocracy and only the best rise to the top and we still tend to trust them to do the right thing, make the right decision. It's only when there's something catastrophic occurring (Katrina) or someone notices something askew (like where a product is made) that we realize that's it's been a ongoing sham, a long con, and we are the dupes.

Today I saw that schmuck that raised the price of his medication 5000% and he could barely hide his smirk when he said it was reasonable. The medicine is 62 years old and there's no generic available? Nice gig if you can get it.

All the best,
Nonoise, wise and so very true.

The reality is that almost every thought most have has was at some time written by a marketer.It seems original to the speaker because they may place things in different order
but still they are the product of a completely brain-washed mind .
Does anyone truly have a brain that is not washed in some way?

Maybe a newborn.

We're all a product of our environment. That's how nature works.

One must choose their filters well.
True, there is nothing new under the sun as the bard is supposed to have said. One must always strive, as a discipline, to think before one speaks simply because we are the sum of all we hear and see and it's difficult not to blurt out the first thing that comes to our conditioned minds.

I think I've mentioned this before but a quick study in semantics would go a long way towards aiding one in recognizing when we're being fed a line (the filter you mention). If one practices enough it can become a built in B.S. meter of sorts. Hayakawa wrote a great book in response to Hitler's takeover of much of Europe with simply a radio.

All the best,