Ayon Audio Made in China?

I read recently that Ayon was made in China-
Is that right --anyone know?
09-23-15: Nonoise
We still think we live in a meritocracy and only the best rise to the top and we still tend to trust them to do the right thing, make the right decision. It's only when there's something catastrophic occurring (Katrina) or someone notices something askew (like where a product is made) that we realize that's it's been a ongoing sham, a long con, and we are the dupes.
Don't blame the politicians but the citizens voted them in office.

Today I saw that schmuck that raised the price of his medication 5000% and he could barely hide his smirk when he said it was reasonable. The medicine is 62 years old and there's no generic available? Nice gig if you can get it.
5000% is a bit of exaggeration?? $750 / $13.5 = 55.55. Maybe at $750, free market will spawn off generics??
Knghifi, using your numbers it's actually a 5,555% increase in price. Free market economic theory assumes there are an infinite number of interchangeable products. That's clearly not the case with this medicine.
09-24-15: Onhwy61
Knghifi, using your numbers it's actually a 5,555% increase in price. Free market economic theory assumes there are an infinite number of interchangeable products. That's clearly not the case with this medicine.
From what I read, demand for this drug is relative low. So my point is when price is $13.5, there's not enough incentives to create a generic. But at $750, it's possible.