Ayon Audio Made in China?

I read recently that Ayon was made in China-
Is that right --anyone know?
Here's the skinny on the drug in question and others that have seen price hikes and the people behind them. After reading the article, it makes me feel we've lost our souls along the way.

This guy, Martin Shkreli, is a real piece of work. He's made it nearly impossible for generics to be made by tightly controlling distribution. In a better world he'd be in prison.

He also lobbied the FDA to not approve drugs whose stock he was shorting as a broker. He acquired another drug and raised the prices so he could pay back some very wealthy but angry investors from the proceeds because of poor hedge fund performance. He's under investigation for that one.

The sad part is nothing will happen to him. Nothing.

All the best,
Actually, something just did happen to him. He was hacked and his phone number and address were made public.

Somebody up there was listening. :-)

All the best,
Ayon Audio's declaration that their product are made in Australia is 7+ years old. A lot happens in manufacturing in 7 years.
I just don't feel like my Ayon experience was "clean". It feels rather slimy. Bugatti. Right.