"Pressing Vinyl"

Take a few minutes and watch this video regarding the making of LP's from PS Audio September newsletter. Somewhat interesting.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xlak
Ralph: I'm happy about the resurgence and the resulting renassiance in the art of making records. I hope it does continue, but I do think there is a degree of 'fashion' to all of this right now that may not be enduring. I'm OK with that too. I hung in there during the nadir, and probably bought more records after The Death of Vinyl (TM) than before, when it was a mainstream medium. Most of my record buying in the past 10 years has been older stuff, filling in gaps, but I do buy some new material (not so much reissues, but sometimes). As I said, I hope you are right, and I am wrong. Even if it is a bubble, I think there have been benefits to revitalizing what was becoming a lost art.
In this town, for the last 15 years if you were really arrived as a band, you put out vinyl rather than a CD. Its that way in a lot of bigger metro areas these days.

Kids drive the market, not us fuddy-duddies :)
Precisely. And when the Lumber sexuals decide craft made beer and vinyls are out, where to next? :)
Atmasphere ;

I remember that , back in the day , CD's used to have different designations AAD , ADD & DDD denoting the analog and digital processing involved . This was printed on the back of the jacket .
Is there some type of designation for the all analog process ?

MoFi records are pressed at RTI in California. Not sure if they use more than one plant. But I do know the wait time for many reissues is often absurd, which could be a function of both using RTI exclusively for quality consistency and having limited mastering equipment capability as new projects go underway.