Greenville SC / Hendersonville-Asheville NC areas

I've lived in the Greenville SC area for a while now and with one exception here and a few nearby in Greenwood and Florence (both SC), have yet to bump into any serious audio or HT people. I'm hanging this thread out here on the chance that people are looking for people to hang out and listen to music with/collaborate on systems, etc...
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Hi guys,
15th morning won't work for me (driving to Greenville).
16th morning could work. I have a 2PM appt on Oct 16 so I would have to be done by 1PM so I could get some lunch before my appt.
Oct 15 evening after work-hours (say, after 6PM?) will also work, if do-able.
Oct 16 after 7PM will also work, once again, if do-able.
Morning of the 16th will work for me, we can definitely wrap up by 1pm; multiple places nearby to grab lunch. Let's take this off-thread via email to get to more detailed plans, start time, etc....
ok, Zephyr24069, let's take it off-line.
Is Scott_w also joining us on 10/16 morning?