Free $3K preamp to lucky listener who names it

We at Backert Labs have just introduced our new preamp, which is sonically very close to our $7,500 unit at less than half the price ($2,995 to be exact).

It doesn't have a name yet, so we're having a contest: a lucky listener who suggests the name that we decide to use will win one.

If we don't use any of the names suggested, there will still be a winner, selected at random from all entries. If the name we select was submitted by more than one entry, we'll draw the winner at random from those entries.

Our press release is handy if you'd like some info before submitting your name idea.

Enter here.

Good luck!
Although it is spelled differently I will always associate Rhumba with Roomba the very odd robot vacuum/wannabe preamp.
There is some disagreement as to the correct spelling of the winning name,"Rhumba" or "Rumba,"according to a number of dictionaries.

The sequence of the letters "hum" in the name of any audio component seems ill-advised. In addition, "humba" sounds too close to "humbug."

The Urban Dictionary has its own take on the word rhumba.

With respect, perhaps Backert Labs will reconsider. of my all time favorite names and something I'm really keen on in regards to music playback. That would have been a great one.

I do have to agree that I'm not to keen on Rhumba, for many of the reasons stated above. But, as I tell the kids I coach, " the number does not make the player, the player makes the number".