what speaker new or used for 5k?

Looking to upgrade my speakers right now I Have the Vienna Acoustics Mosart Grands. Equipment is the Parasound a21 amp p5 pre amp and Marantz sa8001 sacd and two REL t9 subs. Mosaic speaker cable and Interconnects, in a 16 x 20 room with 7ft drop ceilings.
Thanks Bob, I notice the same thing with the Gammas any little change yields different sound. the Gammas are a part of my system I will never part with, and mated with the Musical Design amp and pre its sonic nirvana for me.
If you like the VA sound move up the line. If you want more resolution look at the ATC SCM 40(new/used) or you might be able to stretch your budget for a used/demo ML Montis both speakers would be hard to beat at the $5k level when set up properly.
Intuitive Designs Mosaics and Denali, the bigger brothers of the Gammas are awesome speakers as well. I heard these speakers mated with Eccence jasper amps and the sound is jaw dropping. but way out of my price range.