Tube Amp for Avalon Ascendants

I have a pair of Sonic Frontier Power 3's that I've had (and loved) for at least 10 years (bought them used through Audiogon so not sure exactly how old they are). They both need work now and so trying to decide whether it makes sense to put the money into repairing them or replace them since i've also recently changed speakers (originally got the Sonic Frontiers when i had Thiel 6's) and now have the Avalon Ascendants. Also recently upgraded the rest of my system to:

Conrad Johnson CT-5 pre-amp
EAR Acute 3 CD Player (replaced the tubes with Siemens 1963 E88CC)
AudioQuest Volcano speaker cables and Sky Reference interconnedt

Looking for advise and comments as to whether people think its worth putting the money into the Sonic Frontiers (not sure what the problem is yet so don't know exactly what it will cost to have them repaired -- on one i keep blowing the fuses and on the other getting an audible hum coming from the amp) there is a better tube amp for my Avalons?

Always gotten wonderful advise from this board over the last decade or more so thought i'd check in again.

Thanks in advance for all comments.
That speaker was always fairly tube-friendly. We had a good number of customers that used our MA-1s on them.

How much did you spend on the Sonic Frontiers? You've not mentioned what the problem with them seems to be- it could be fairly simple. If you spent a lot on them and they were doing the job for you, it might be a good idea to simply get them fixed.
I had Sonic Frontier Power 3 and Line 3 upgraded to SE+ by Chris Johnson @PCX. Long parts list ... Audio Note copper and silver capacitors, rewired with silver wire ... Big improvement over stock plus more power. I was rolling GL KT88s.

It was eventually replaced with VAC and never looked back. No contest! If I can redo, I would sell the stock Sonic Frontiers and just buy VAC.

Since you're using a CJ pre with RCA outputs, I would demo CJ ART stereo or mono amps. I've always run XLR with VAC so cannot comment running RCA. My ARC REF250 amp has only XLR inputs so don't think ARC is a good match with CJ.

Atma-sphere are great amps too so try to demo if possible.
I know audio nut who was using BAT VK75 monos and than switched to Jeff Rowland monos and never went back.
Avalons don't benefit from tube amps. Tube preamp with solid state amp is best 'menu' for'em.
Actually the owners that speaker told us that our amps were the only game in town if you wanted bass out of the speaker. Different strokes...
Dk, given you already own a CJ CT-5 preamp, I would lean toward a CJ ET250S hybrid amp. A Dealer selling a brand new, sealed in box example right now asking $4,950. Another option is you could look around for a 2nd hand CJ Premier 350SA if you feel you need the extra power, or want a ss power amp & tubed pre.