Mark Levinson 26 pre amp

Dear sirs,

It is so hard to find a 26 preamp now. I have purchased a 27 power amp and everyone told me I should match it with 26 preamp but I just can't find one in ebay or Audiogon for few months already. Can any one help?
Thanks Nsgarch, I think I will go for 23.5 as I have no space for mono block. I pay $3100 for 26s (RCA). The 23.5 I am going to purchase is also RCA ( very new with series no of 7XXX)
I got one plus the 25 phono stage.Super results if mated with 23.5 I got lock stock and barrel back in early 90's to drive my KEF 107.Another trick to make the whole system bloom is if you could get hold of NBS cable from Master series up or the top of kimber series then you're settled for life.
Check with Mr Kay at the Lyric of NY in order to find what you seek he'll help you.
PS.Don't hesitate to to go for valve cd players either Audio researche's cd 7 or audio aero.Then you'll start singing :Haven I'm in haven...
Best of luck George
The only 26s I have seen for sale this year north America is on e-bay right & he is asking $4800 but if you didn't know there were 3 versions with different board options

Oh ya & there was a 23.5 for sale in southern Calif for $2650 that was just serviced bye George Mayers I was moving & didn't have time to go & buy it & had just bought a 23 that had been sitting in the orig box for 8 years for $1600