What direction with new DAC?

I have a DAC2 from Wyred4sound that's a few years old but has given me good service. I want to upgrade and am thinking of buying the DSDSe upgrade for $1500. Reviews have been good. I have little interest in the DSD function but you never know where computer audio may go in the future. I am also, for a bit over $2K going interested in the Schiit Yggy, which also is getting good reviews on many forums.

What's out there in the $2K-$2.5K range in DACS that would be worth the move?
Certainly willing based on the reviews to sink another $1509 into the Wyred SE upgrade just for the better components and Femto clock. Just was wondering if there was a better alternative. The Yggy takes a vastly different approach but near impossible for an audition.

Dmm53 hi, if your preference is for RedBook not your not interested in DSD. Then I would get the Schitt as it has a proper R2R ladder dac for the best conversion, your wired for sound has Delta Sigma.

From Schitt, and others say the same for RedBook replay, and I also have found this as well.

"21 Bits, No Guessing: Mission-Critical D/A Technology
When doctors are trying to diagnose whether you have gas or cancer from MRI results, or when the military is trying to ensure a missile hits an ammo dump and not a nunnery next door, they don’t use “24 bit” or “32 bit” delta-sigma D/A converters. Instead, they rely on precision, multibit ladder DACs, like the Analog Devices AD5791. This allows them the bit-perfect precision they need for critical applications, rather than the guesswork of a delta-sigma. We chose this same critical technology for Yggdrasil. Following these unique D/A converters are sophisticated discrete JFET buffers and summers."

Cheers George
Thanks George. Most of my music is PC based at this point with a fair amount of hi res downloads using JRiver. I know my budget is slightly restrictive but I don't want to invest in what may be now inferior technology. Looking for improvements n imaging and soundstage.
I love ladder dacs. The best dac I have heard is the Audio-GD Master 7 dac. $2400 * parallel 1704UK ladder chips. This dac does up to 24/192 No DSD. Withthis dac you will never miss DSD