What is your recommendation on upgrading a Linn LP

Here is what I own. A 1984-1985 Linn with BASIK PLUS ARM and no Valhalla. Other wise it is stock. What is my best course? 1) Buy a new component (Linn)and add upgrades I like. 2) Buy parts as they become available on Audiogon and build a top grade player with my old once as a starting point 3. Buy a used player that meets my needs and wishes.

I look forward to your help
Mission, being a small-town guy clearly didn't stop you doing all the updates you mention on your LP12 did it? ;^)
Boy ,I have no idea what the heck you are talking about.Anyway,all Im saying as well as a few others to original poster is before spending a bunch of money on upgrading maybe seek another option that a lot of us think is a better and cheaper option.
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. If you are into sound, ditch the Linn and spend the money on something better. It really isn't up to current standards.
What a fool I've been! Now I get it!

"Current standards" must be the reason people are still listening to (and sometimes investing serious $$$ in) classic Direct Drives, Garrard 301s, 401s and Technics SL-1200 etc (not to mention the countless classic MM carts listed in the biggest thread in human history.)

We thank you for such an enlightened view ;^)