MIDAS aluminum shell

Greetings Friends,
MIDAS aluminum shell for Denon 103/R. I've been searching the internet and I can't find a resource for one. The designer/seller of the Midas cartridge body replacement for the Denon 103, goes by the name "Diawok" and can be found on the "Lenco heaven" forum, but i haven't found anything after 2013? Now some questions :D, Anyone know the story of what happened or where to find (I would prefer a round corner version)? Would someone have one for sale? Or ultimately what would be a worthy available aluminum shell substitute?

You can send your Denon cartridge to Sean at Zu Audio and he will put it into on of their bodies and pot it for you.

IMHO, the Zu body is one of the best aftermarket upgrades for the Denon carts.
There is a guy selling ones on epray. He goes by paradox I believe. I would go that route. Everything else is an audiophile ripoff
Go to Lenco Heaven forum site, register as a member and send Daiwok a pm. He is still an active member on the forum.
Thank you all for your responses :) Now I have something to work with!

You're all the best,