What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

Posting once again about what to me is a great band: mewithoutyou.

They are writing and playing the music U2 wishes they were still making after whatever happened to them happened.

Check out Catch For Us The Foxes, or Brother, Sister, or Pale Horses.

Play it LOUD.
Cricklewood Green by Ten Years After. Can't believe Alvin Lee's fingers didn't spontaneously combust making this one.
cricklewood Green...wow haven't heard that is a dog's age. As I recall, that was some ptretty amazing geetar playin!
Swampwalker - yes..."amazing" is a totally fitting adjective for Alvin Lee's playing on CG. Another good 'un from back then "Undead". Spotify has them (remasters) and the sonics are very good. Hope you get inspired to go have a listen.
Iris Dement has a new album, The Trackless Words. She set the words of Russian poet Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966) to music, and the results are, as always with Iris, wonderful. If you haven't discovered her yet, you could start here.