Granny ring, Jetrexpro, all

Are any of you building power cords with the Western Electric WE16ga? I see that a bunch of fellas on the Jeff Day Blog are making them with very good success. Day has also made some and it seems he may install on his
Mac MC30s. How about it? Any updates? Best, Rob
Thanks guys,
Your posts are always lluminatining, sheds an interesting light and perspective for sure. I think I'll give the WE10ga some listening time. I have purchased a number of feet of various Gage. Best, Rob
Rob, Bill and Jet. I noticed last night that my downstairs Dynamo/Triumph Extreme system was sounding really good, even using my stock Oppo 93 as the source. I have a feeling that the WE14g speaker cables and Belden IC are burned in-- perhaps fully ripened is a better description. One of these days, when it is raining and I can't hike, I'll bring my modwright HAPZ1 downstairs, stick a VU-71 rectifier in the dynamo, and do some serious listening. Last night, the tonality was luscious, excellent detail without a hint of stridency, and no grain. Spatially, the system is about as one dimensional as anything I have heard in the last 25 years. No center fill and no depth of stage, which I think is attributable to the Oppo. Other than that, I was really astonished that the Oppo could deliver what it did.

This system is used primarily for background music during dinner and as a 2 channel A/V system, so it is rare that I actually sit down and listen critically. But I was very impressed last night with how far the burn in process has taken the system.
That is good news. It must be the Oppo is my guess too. In my office system with Sony DVP S9000ES SACD/DVD/ as Transport, Eastern Electric Mini Max DAC the soundstage is extremely 3-D, wide and deep. For example, on Neil Young, Greatest Hits, "Down by te River" finds the Rhythm guitar projected literally five (5) feet in front of the left speaker along the wall to my Left. Neil is slightly behind the the speakers in the center of speakers, the drummer is at least 5-6 feet back, the bass to the
Right between Young and the drummer a couple feet back. The spread is
Fourteen (14) wide, the width of the listening room. On other cuts you would think the piano is in the room, big like on a Maggie, but to me even better. I used the Sheffield test cd with Doug Sax to test the system. It was A plus in all parameters. Best, Rob.
Grannyring, Jetrexpro, Brownsfan, all
I purchased more Western Electric WE10ga, WE14ga, going to build WE10ga power cords first, for wall to power strip using Furutech connection as in Jeff Day Blog. Then, likely WE14ga for transport and DAC. Should be finished by end of week. Best, Rob
Great. Let me know! I am building a tube preamp using a design inspired by several great preamps I respect. I will need two power cords for it as it is a true dual mono. I want to make these same power cords for it!