best transparent pre amp

looking for a pre amp that will allow an excellent source to shine through unobstructed. Neither add or detract from the signal provided.

Will be mated with SS amp.
I just received the brand new battery powered solid state darTZeel NHB-18NS preamp. I owned the previous model for 9 years. it's astonishing how 'not in the way of the music' it is. and also the super low noise floor and amazing dynamics. the thing is alive.

very natural sounding with a harmonically rich and textured mid range and very transparent. ambience and nuance retrieval is off the charts.

combines the best of tubes, and the best of solid sounds like music

easily the finest preamp I have heard, and includes a world class phono stage.
George knows what's up. Drop $60 on a Schiit Sys passive preamp and see how you like it.
I use a Bryston BP6 with my McCormack DNA 0.5 Rev. A and it's extremely neutral and allows the amp to display all the 3D imagery it's capable of. Really just sounds like the proverbial straight wire with gain. Passive also sounds like an interesting idea. I was going to suggest Placette but not sure how it would compare to the much less expensive Schiit mentioned earlier. Best of luck.
George is correct in that if a preamp imposes a coloration a passive control, even a very inexpensive one might be better.

It's not cast in concrete though- passives have problems of their own that have been expounded upon a lot over the years, just like active preamps.

If OTHO if an active preamp is free of many of the pitfalls that a line section has to face, it will be found to be more transparent.

The line section/passive control has 4 functions:

1) Control volume
2) select input
3) provide any needed gain (with a passive of course if set up right you won't been needing any)
4) control the interconnect cable from the preamp to amp.

It is 4) on this list that is the least understood- heck, most audiophiles don't even think that is possible and wind up buying some really expensive cables to deal with/prevent cable artifact. This is also the thing that passive systems don't do at all (essentially its mathematically impossible, and many line sections don't do very well with this either). But if the line section **does** prevent cable interactions from occurring, it is very likely to also be the most transparent; introducing the least coloration.
I always thought Stan Klyne made a great solid state pre amp; mine was a 6lx3p and it was a great pre amp.