Tascam DA-3000

HI to everyone.
I have 1500 albums that I would like to transfer on to MD
Recorder but I was adviced by one of fellow Audiogoner that the best option would be Tascam DA-3000.
I searched a little bit and it sounds like a good idea but there is a problem. Every 2GB of data the files would be cut
so I would need the software to fix that. Maybe I didn't
understand what he was trying to explain since I never used
that kind of recorders.
I would appreciate opinions.

So what is the best way to transfer vinyl albums. I was
thinking to transfer all favorite albums. CD Recorder is not
the solution (only 80 minutes of the music on one disc).

The TASCAM does not have the file size limitations of a "CD" recorder. You can build any size file if the media (USB thumb drive, HD, or memory card) is large enough (but will run into 2 GB file size partition issues since they use FAT file partitions).

Neither does the Ayre QA-6, because you stream USB digital to a computer.

Audio quality does become an issue, depending on how critical you are.

Fremer did a review of the Ayre QA-6 recently in March 2015 along with some other A/D converters such as the PS Audio Nuwave, Lynx Hilo, and M2Tech Joplin:


Also, MD (Sony mini-disc) is not a loss-less format. It is compressed, similar to MP-3. I also have mini-disc and would never equate this format with high end audio. So it would not surprise me that anything recorded to MD will sound flat and lacking in detail.

I have many recordings ripped from CD to Sony MD, and they don't even compare to the CD quality originals. I did it because MD is convenient on a portable device were I did not want the larger sized CD. I think it is better than MP-3.
The largest file that this unit will create during record is
2GB. If a recording is about to exceed this size, a new file is
automatically created, but the audio is processed so there
is seamless continuity between the current and new file. On
playback, in order to hear the audio seamlessly, please set
the TRACK GAP mode setting to “GAPLESS”.
(See “Setting
gapless playback mode” on page 41.)

Is this solution to the 2GB limitation:

is selected during DSD file playback
Depending on the status of the audio data, noise might
occur at the division between tracks due to the nature
of DSD files. If the noise is bothersome, set the track gap
mode to
to avoid it. (Noise will not occur during
the gapless playback of audio from tracks created using
this unit’s auto track and track increment functions, for

I realize that, and was responding to your question about the use of a "CD" recorder for capturing vinyl LPs. CD media is limited to 700 MB. By CD recorder I am assuming you mean recorders that directly write to CD media.

Since most LPs are limited to < 20-25 minutes per side, you will only exceed this for a single 2 GB file for DSDIFF at the 5.6 MHz sampling rate! This is way overkill for LP recording, especially with IC opamp buffers in the input circuitry (they will limit the sound quality, not the digital capture conditions).

In fact, with 2 GB, you can record a 26 min .WAV file at 24bit, 192KHz. Since the longest single, uninterrupted song on a LP is usually under 20 min, there is no need to worry about splicing files larger than 2 GB together.

Also, those instructions are only for playback on the Tascam. I would convert the .WAV files to FLAC for playback on my music server and would never use the TASCAM for anything but the original A/D conversion.