Tascam DA-3000

HI to everyone.
I have 1500 albums that I would like to transfer on to MD
Recorder but I was adviced by one of fellow Audiogoner that the best option would be Tascam DA-3000.
I searched a little bit and it sounds like a good idea but there is a problem. Every 2GB of data the files would be cut
so I would need the software to fix that. Maybe I didn't
understand what he was trying to explain since I never used
that kind of recorders.
I would appreciate opinions.

I realize that, and was responding to your question about the use of a "CD" recorder for capturing vinyl LPs. CD media is limited to 700 MB. By CD recorder I am assuming you mean recorders that directly write to CD media.

Since most LPs are limited to < 20-25 minutes per side, you will only exceed this for a single 2 GB file for DSDIFF at the 5.6 MHz sampling rate! This is way overkill for LP recording, especially with IC opamp buffers in the input circuitry (they will limit the sound quality, not the digital capture conditions).

In fact, with 2 GB, you can record a 26 min .WAV file at 24bit, 192KHz. Since the longest single, uninterrupted song on a LP is usually under 20 min, there is no need to worry about splicing files larger than 2 GB together.

Also, those instructions are only for playback on the Tascam. I would convert the .WAV files to FLAC for playback on my music server and would never use the TASCAM for anything but the original A/D conversion.
Dhl93449 - there is an Ayre QB-9 listed for sale here. The B is the successor to the Ayre with DSD, but opnly does 88 MHz DSD.

There is a Korg MR2000 available here for $900. Busman does mods to those. They did mine and the recordings at 24/192 are very comparable to my turntable. The Korg records to a disk but than you can transfer to a PC via USB. That unit is no longer made, but was a "low end" professional unit.

The QB-9 is the D/A. The QA-9 is the A/D.

I have yet to see a QA-9 for sale. I went ahead and bought a TASCAM 3000 on fleabay for $720 new. For that price I can afford to try some op amp mods. I think I can remove the 5532s and replace with OPA627s on a Brown Dog adapter. For my purposes, only the input buffer amps need to subbed out. Once I have the digital file, it will be played back in my Bryston BDP/BDA combo which uses Class A discrete analog stages.

If in the future a QA-9 becomes available, I'll consider it at that time, depending on the results I get with the Tascam.
Topten, Copying albums? Well if it was me using the Tascam, you could set the bit rate to 24 and the sample rate to 192Hz. While playing the albums you would have to sit there listening to when the track ends in order to place a track number to the digital recording.
Otherwise, you would have one big long track. The Tascam does have a feature that can automatically place tracks when the sound level lowers to any amount you want to preset. This is supposedly places new tracks in between the songs. But, in practice it doesn't work that well.
So, I do it manually like I stated above.
Kind of time consuming, but when its done you will access to the tracks individually.