Are you happy with Windows 10 Pro?

I'm running Windows 7 Pro without issue(s)--and don't want complications or frustrations. A bit slower-but steady- is fine for me. Are there real improvements to be gained? Thanks. Pete
Dedicated for streaming, I have a HP laptop with an i7 processor and 4gb ram. Last night, I upgraded from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10. Everything works fine, but the laptop fan is on high, non-stop, even when I activate Fidelizer, which is supposed to turn off unnecessary background processes. I don't recall the fan being on high non-stop when streaming with Windows 7. Does Windows 10 require more resources?
Reboot your PC and go into the BIOS. You should be able to turn the fan off there.
Also Steakster,
Did you do a Clean Install or just did an upgrade?
I suggest, if possible, do a Clean Install. That way all the bloatware is gone and you will see a huge improvement in performance. Make sure your have the "keys" for all your softwares before you do a clean install. Also take a backup of your "My Document" folder. Create a directory on the C:\ and put the files there, because My Document gets wiped off, but the new folder on the C:\ will remains, even if you do Clean install.
It doesn't matter if you do a clean install, the bloatware is still there. The only way to get a true clean install is to buy a retail copy of Windows. If you use anything supplied by whoever makes the computer, you get the bloatware along with the OS. The only option is to manually uninstall anything you don't want.
Steakster, assuming as I would expect that Windows 10 has a task manager function (which is taskmgr.exe in Windows 7), open it and under the "processes" tab see what process or processes have high CPU utilization percentages indicated. If the fan is running full speed all the time chances are it means that some process is imposing a heavy workload on the CPU.

Regarding doing a clean install of Windows 10, until the feature described in the "Device Activation Improvements" paragraph which appears about 2/3 of the way down on this page is officially released (which I don't think has happened yet) Windows 7 activation keys will not work for purposes of activating Windows 10. Although, apparently, once the free upgrade from 7 to 10 is performed on a given computer, and 10 is activated on that computer over the Internet, 10 can THEN be cleanly installed on that computer, and it will activate with no key required.

Also, after upgrading be sure to go through the privacy-related settings in 10, and change the default settings as described in many articles that can be found on the web. A lot of those settings are, um, objectionable, including one which allows Microsoft to use your computer to distribute patches and updates to other computers via the Internet.

-- Al