Are you happy with Windows 10 Pro?

I'm running Windows 7 Pro without issue(s)--and don't want complications or frustrations. A bit slower-but steady- is fine for me. Are there real improvements to be gained? Thanks. Pete
Since this laptop is dedicated for streaming, I removed many apps and bloatware. I kept IE but removed Firefox and Chrome. The top speed of my i7 L640 processor is rated @2.13 GHz

After some testing, I got some curious results when looking at the Performance Stats in the Task Manager. With the power setting in the Power Saving Mode, Windows 10 was averaging 1.67GHz with 79 processes. The fan was very low speed. With the power setting in the Balanced Mode, Windows 10 was averaging 2.50GHz with the same 79 processes. Since the processor was in turbo-charge, that explains why the fan was cranking on high. With the Tidal app activated, the processes went from 79 to 86. Yet, the processor speed remained approximately the same for each power mode. The speed fluctuated depending on the dynamics of the music.

When Fidelizer (the free version) was activated in the Audiophile Mode, the process speed averaged 2.80GHz – even more turbo-charged. And this was in either the Balanced or the Power Saving Mode. The laptop fan went back on high. Interestingly, the # of processes remained the same. This is especially strange since Fidelizer is supposed to shut down processes. But, it is definitely turbo-charging the processor – on my laptop anyway. Perhaps, it’s not compatible with Windows 10 or something else is going on. The music does sound more dynamic with Fidelizer in Audiophile mode. But, what is it doing?

I ran this test a few times with several re-boots. Same results. (For those not familiar with Fidelizer, it can be de-activated when re-booting.) So, my initial impression is that it’s best to use the Power Saving Mode when running Windows 10 on an older laptop to save the lifespan of the processor – and fan. The next test will be for sound quality. Fortunately, Microsoft built in a 30 day trial period to revert back to the old OS. Maybe, my old laptop will feel more comfortable with it. It certainly makes sense when manufacturers state that their laptops are now optimized for this new OS.
The clean install can be done by creating the "media" on USB, as Al mentioned and provided you the link. Your clean install should remove all bloatware. If a user did clean install and that did not take care of your bloatware, then the user did something wrong. I have done clean install on 4 machines till date and none of them have bloatware.
Look into REGEDIT and Control Panel -> Programs....that should tell you what you have and don't. Good luck.
I didn't realize you were talking about the upgrade to 10 that Microsoft offers. I thought you were doing a reinstall with the media that comes with a PC. You would still get the bloat if you did it that way.

I haven't done the upgrade myself because I prefer to start with a fresh copy. But if anyone is, you might want to read this first.

This guy writes the best how to guides I've ever seen. He covers everything, takes nothing for granted and writes in a way that anyone can easily follow. Even if you're an advanced user, you still may get some very useful tips.
ZD, thanks very much for the nice words, and for providing the link. It reinforces the feelings I've had that in my case, at least, there's no reason to "upgrade" from Windows 7 to 10. (To put that into context, I should add that I don't use computers for audio).

If I do eventually decide to give 10 a try, though, I'll probably multiboot it with 7. I use the Terabyte Unlimited programs for multibooting as well as for disk imaging, which have worked very well for me. In contrast to the dual boot provisions that have been built into some Microsoft OS's, the Terabyte Unlimited boot manager allows multiple OS's to be completely independent of each other, and to be hidden from each other.

Best regards,
-- Al