Headed to New Orleans

Any suggestions for record shops, audio stores, music venues I should check out while I am there? Thanks!
Mofi pretty much hit it. I was just in New Orleans weekend before last. I prefer Euclid and Skully's. I've never been to Peaches.

For additional music venues, there is One Eyed Jacks, d.b.a., and Siberia.

If you don't mind the wait and you're there on the weekend, I highly recommend the Jazz Brunch at Buffa's.
The Esquire video embedded in the review made me want to book a flight. Not for the music, for the food. Now I am frickin Hungry for some red beans and rice LOL!
Have dinner at Commanders Palace and August. If you're not going that upscale, I strongly recommend Redfish Grill. Also, the broiled oysters at Dragos are a must. But don't order anything else there, IMO. I've heard they have some music down there as well, but I'm not sure.
Milkfish at Carrollton and Canal ( just east on Carrolton)

a great Filipino restuarant, amazing food great prices

ps and go see Raw Oyster Cult if they are in town playing