Danish loudspeakers: Dynaudio & System Audio

Recently, I've auditioned a pairs of Dynaudio Focus 110, I'm pretty impressed with the sound, but if I choose to buy the Focus 160, I'm a bit worry on the bass resonance problem due to rear ported design, some Dynaudio users report such problem too. I'm living in a medium room, where space is very limited, thus I'm considering to audition a pairs of System Audio Mantra 5, same Danish loudspeaker design, seem well regarded from some of the feedbacks, though I have to contact them to check whether any audition available in Malaysia, from the Website I'm able to search out a location though. Anybody heard of the System Audio speakers, any opinions or impressions how it sound?
11-12-15: Wim1983
@Phusis: The price of SCM SCM19v2 is out of my budget, ATC SCM19 closer to my budget, but I'm not convinced what are the special about these 2 versions? sparkling high with more air without sounding harsh? I thought ATC speakers sound on high freq. is not quite their strength? Not? Even for bass I've bit concert if it will be too shy for sealed cabinet design, hmm...

Although I like the active version of SCM19 (ASL20) even better, it's the midrange and what ties so neatly together around it that had me particularly interested in this speaker; it's very insightful, dynamic, and rather authentic sounding. To me high frequencies leave higher marks when well-integrated, unforced, and not drawing attention to themselves compared to a more distinct, "impressive-sounding" nature. The previous ATC's (prior to incorporating their own iteration of tweeters) may not have been the last word in ultimate resolution in these very upper regions, but I felt they completed the whole satisfyingly. Concerning the bass of the ATC's I find the same essentially holds true as with the tweeters: it's well-integrated into the mids, and has an agile, clean, and muscular imprinting. To some ATC speakers may sport a slightly closed-in top end and bordering an anemic bottom section. If it has any bearing to it I find them to be more natural this way compared to a lot else with "perfume" wrapped around it, and it's something that leaves the mids to really shine through that more effectively. It's not only about the midrange, but many factors can detract from the qualities found herein, and prevent a coherent presentation.

Hopefully you'll end up being inspired by some of the posts here - only you can decide.
I have heard and owned many of the higher dynaudio models. Sure their tweeters are nice. When I listened to ATC though it was an ear opener. It remains one of the most natural sounding conventional speaker. You do not feel like dissecting bass and treble when atc is playing. It plays like one driver which is a huge achievement. It is way more dynamic than even the dynaudio confidence series speakers. All this talk about tweeter and bass quality is irrelevant until you hear it. Though it is sealed box it has terrific and authentic low frequency presentation. Not the typical one note boom. And yes PMC though seems to be in the similar game, it actually is not. It is a lot more colored than the ATC. By the way I have moved on now to horn speakers else ATC remains my favourite.
@Pani: hmm, I'm a bit skeptical about the dynamic you mentioned, apart from speakers material, amp & source also play a role in distortion and dynamic measurement, I'm not sure the statement that ATC speakers is more dynamic than Dynaudio Confidence series, to me they should be only reach the same level if both put their efforts & technology right on. And when you mention about natural sound, I'm thinking that's in a way "coloured" sound, just a matter of taste, another concern I'm not considering ATC is the price point is way out of my budget, especially the ATC SCM19v2
If I were you Win I would do a shootout of the 160 against the Monitor Audio Gold 100. They are tested by a person of the HVT. He said: this speaker is without competition.

A shootout will give you the answer......