Which components knocked you out on first listen?

I've been listening to stereos since 1973 and I am still waiting to be truly knocked out by the sound of a component. I have sat in showrooms across the country and have been pleased by what I have heard but never truly blown away.
The closest I came was when I listened to a Meitner str-55 amp and VTL preamp a few years ago, sourced by a Linn Ikemi and Revel loudspeakers. However, I also have been moved by a
Apple computer cd drive, circa 1994 through a Creek 4040 and RA Lab speakers, estimated cost about $1,200; maybe more so than the Linn,Revel 10K system. How about you?
Beveridge 2sw2 electrostatic speakers, back in the late 70's I believe. They were amazingly realistic sounding and unlike any other stereo reproduction I ever heard. They were responsible for getting me started on an endless almost 40 year old passion for high end audio gear.
Merrill audio Veritas monoblocks, no questions about. the most live like music that I ever hear.Tango
Thiel CS 3.5 Loudspeakers. 

Purchased used a couple of years ago right here on the 'Gon. 
Drove to Massachsetts to get them, got em in the room, wired em up, fired up the system and before I could reach the chair I literally spun around in my tracks in amazement. 

Maggies can can do that for you as well, and they have for me but I returned to the Thiels.