TTWeights closing their doors

Has anyone heard of this, just caught a recent for sale item from them that mentioned they will be closing their doors for table manufacturing on 12/18/15.
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Sadly , another casualty of a market place driven by off shore manufacturing.
Albeit with reduced manufacturing costs (only to maximize profits), many times
comes with reduced quality and the eventual extinction of those who manufacture
in North America, and buy North American raw materials to manufacture with.
I'm also sorry to hear they are closing. I also own one of his tables I just hope I never  have to replace it. It would cost thousands to find a table of  the same quality.
"Sadly , another casualty of a market place driven by off shore manufacturing ..."

has2be, do you actually know this to be true, or are you speculating? There are many reasons why a company may close its doors. Contrary to popular opinion, manufacturing thrives in North America, although many of the products aren't  necessarily consumer products. As for turntables: VPI, Oracle and Sota are all made in North America. Those companies seem to be doing well and the products are world-class.
Yes I do know it to be true. And you should verify your own facts.
I stated North American materials, can you say with certainty the products you listed
use materials all made in America or are they off shore and assembled in America ?
"Hi Folks, after many years we are closing our manufacturing facility. We still have most spare parts etc. for turntables and they will be available moving forward.

We will have a website that allows on line ordering only.

The cost of manufacturing is rising( from US sourced products all raw materials) and the prices of products is being pushed down from a flood of accessories and analogue turntable manufacturers that have entered the market in the last few years.

We will not buy from China, or low priced components offshore like my competitors, it was all Canadian made with North American content but this ended up being a big problem as the costs continue to increase."

TTW Audio

TTW Audio Canada Inc.