Review: Audio Magic Matrix AC filter

Category: Accessories

Although I respond positively to reviews with all the typical audio adjectival lingo, they do not, for a minute, give me any idea what the sound is like. The review, for me, just serves as (sometimes) impetus to "check it out." I have owned the Audio Magic Steath for 8 months and have been more than satisfied with it's presence in my system. Now, why did I upgrade to the new Audio Magic Matrix?--it was there. Look, I'm just a bit nuts with this stuff, but I, after talking to a few people who owned the Matrix, plus Jerry, over at Audio Magic, figured, what do I have to lose? As you guys might know, from earlier posts, I went through the customary, very long, breakin process with a high current/amperage pulling appliance with my Matrix. (Zaikes, be gentle with me.) Two weeks, running 24 hours per... I have been in sonic heaven for the past week. Thought I would have to give it more time to give you the scoop. But a major snow storm, stuck in the house seated by a roaring fire, gave me a chance to do some serious listening. This baby does everything better than the Stealth. We're talking (I know, I know-this is not a measurable thing, but just to give you a feeling) 25-30 percent better. Stealth on Steroids is the best way I can put it. Vocals, bass, SOUNDSTAGE are incredible. I realize soundstage doesn't owe anything to live music, but in the kingdom of home stereo, it does reign supreme. The Matrix opens the music up wide and deep like I've never heard before. This review is based on having my cdp, and amp plugged into the Matrix. I then, unplugged my cdp, put in on a dedicated line with a Stealth Mini Digital, and I'm on another sonic plane. I just don't have the writing finesse, to explain what I'm hearing. But if this review does anything to give you the impetus to give it a listen, you'll know what I'm talking about, once you hear this baby. I am a tough sell, and the Matrix delivers--in spades. Yes, this baby is costly. But with my Lat International power cords (and one of Ernie's home brews) I'm grooving. From what I've read, Elrods and the like will raise me to another level..Maybe, but I can't justify the expense. Why?--because I can't afford Elrods. If I could, I'd fine the justification. A thick wallet, has always helped me, with that. Matrix too much? The Stealth will do you fine. peace, warren

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Hi Warren,

I've connected my Stealth to my analog components and left the digital on the PS-300. With a little power cord swapping I think I've hit on the winning combination. I sense a broadening of the soundstage, along with slightly increased depth and a greater sense of space between instruments. The music seems to have not only moved a little farther back, but also in front of the speaker plane. I know not everyone likes that kind of presentation, but I sure do. More immediate and involving.

The only probably I'm having is getting the Stealth to remain upright without the help of mass loading the top. The weight and pressure of the substantial power cords connected in the rear makes it do a "wheelie". I currently have an unattractive oversized piece of scrap Corian on top to keep it on the cones I've got under it, but even without the cones it pops it's front legs in the air. Have you had the same problem?

Considering the Stealth has only approx 200 hrs on it, it's sounding very good. The instructions say it can take up to 500 hrs, with the sonics improving along the way. If that's true, I'm really looking forward to experiencing that ride to the top!

Keep us updated on your Matrix.
Put the Stealth on 1" Audiopoints (3) and put solid copper(of the best resonance transference metals) on the top, to just barely hold your Stealth steady on the cones. Buy some copper, (plumbing section) els at Home Depot. They're quite good, and you can add just the right amount to hold that baby down. When you're ready, think of the AM Digital Mini for your cdp. I know audiophools who've moved from PS Audio 300 to Stealth Mini Digital and have never looked backed. Well, maybe to say, "don't I know you from somewhere?" Happy listening. you're on the way...peace, warren

Thanks for the advice on the copper. But I'm not sure I understand what I'm looking for at Home Depot. Your msg says "copper els"? What's that?

The problem with the digital mini is it only has one duplex, and I've got 3 components, cdp, dvd & surround processor.


They are these little "EL" copper pipe pieces. They are shaped in a very small "el." LETTER L. that's the deal. Weighty enough to hold down your Stealth.
Just a Matrix update. I'm in heaven. I don't know what was in my electric, but my system has moved to a level that I've always wished for. I have arrived. Better, yet, my system has arrived. I'm going to sit back, now, for hopefully, the longest while, and just groove with some good music. Thanks, you audiophools, for helping me along the way of my sonic journey. Hey, the Cowboy Junkies are calling. And, yes, it was you guys who turned me on to them. peace, warren