Review: Acoustic Revive RR-77 Tweak

Category: Accessories

I consider myself a relatively sane and skeptical audiophile when it comes to devices that offer a higher level of performance with magical explanations of how they work. Well, I had read on Six Moons website a very postive review regarding the Acoustic Revive RR-77 room conditioner, yes room conditioner, but took it with a big grain of salt. Then my good friend and fellow GON member Ted Brady in a conversation tells me that he has not lost his mind, but the damn device worked wonders in his high end system. So, what the heck, it costs $400.00 and I can get one from Music Direct with a 30 day home audition and send it back if it does not work.

It's a very small box that you put behind your speakers at the height of five feet off the ground. It is a type of wave generater that puts into the room a subsonic frequency that either effects how you hear the system in the room or somehow effects the acoustic of the room it self. For alot more information regarding the theory regarding how it works you can go to Six Moons website for alot more details.

Well, I have no real idea how it produces the effects it does, but the damn thing works magic in the following areas:

1)A greater liquidity and oozyness in my system without a loss of PRAT or macrodynamics.

2)More dense images with greater air around each player in the soundstage.

3)A deeper/wider soundstage.

4)Everything sounds more relaxed and natural.

My girlfriend, who is a musician, heard it instantly when she walked in and asked me what did I do this time regarding a new piece of gear. So, I have no rational explanation how it works, but boy does it work in a significant postive way. So, if I have not lost my mind, I recommend you try one in your room. What the heck, you get a 30 day trial from Music Direct. Highly recommended!

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I want to try an upgraded PSU.
What precisely do I need to look for in terms of
power/current values?

The King Rex is:
48VA=>regulator transformer AC output 16V/3A
Well it works for me!
When TeaJay suggested I try the Acoustic Revive it was with a slight reservation in his voice. I did not take it to mean that he was recommending something he didn't believe in; but rather a concern that I may start discounting his opinions and begin to view him as one having already entered the world of Audiophile psychosis. By quoting scientific articles that articulated sound acoustic principles he was covering all basses. If I did not experience the benefits of the tweak in my system, I would still have regard for his opinions.

Well TeaJay you were correct again. Voices became more fluid and engaging. Imaging Increased. It works.

I found a PSU I already had in "used gear inventory".
It is a Audio Alchemy Power Station Two.

"The Power Station-2 provided both +/-8 and +/-18 Volt outputs on the 6-pin DIN connector. The +/-8 was used for "digital" circuits and the +/-18 was used for the "analog" circuits.

The cable used (6 pin din to 3.5 mini jack) determines the output levelwhich output level. Peter Madnick gave me the info above & said he had plenty of the analog cables still available.

So my obvious question is can the RR-77 handle that?

AR DDS-1 12.5A 2W
K Rex 12.9
Trends 12/3A 3W
For folks using the Acoustic Revive, how far does the benefit extend? For example I could get away with it better on WAF if I can put in in a corner about 15 feet from the equipment. It has been awhile since this thread was active - are people still using and liking the unit and has it been reliable mechanically?
Hi Joe, I still use mine everyday and still believe it does everything stated in my review. Since I have had it,it it never is turned off, so that should answer your question regarding reliablity.

Remember, its suppose to be at least five feet off the floor, behind your speakers and in the middle of them, however my RR-77 is about four feet to the left of my left speaker and still works like a charm. I don't know if 15 feet away in the corner would work, but you could always return it Music Direct during your 30 day audition period.