Newbie looking for system suggestions

Category: Amplifiers

Pardon my lack of knowledge, but I just got a Xmas bonus, and am looking to spend it on a hi-fi 2.1 channel system -- starting from scratch!!! If you had around $6-8 thousand to spend, how would you do it? It will be for a 20x 24 room, carpeted, with cathedral ceilings (15 ft high). I mostly listen to vocal jazz, blues, rock, but often get a classical hair and have some very good orchestra + piano recordings.

Again, sorry such a basic question -- I have been doing a lot of reading, but I am still completely overwhelmed and looking for some suggestions to audition!!

advice from mdhoover is great. some just want great sound, buy and stop searching around, others enjoy the hobby, eqpmnt. searching aspect. you are not sure where you fit in untill you jump in. finding a trusted audiophile you share an ear with is a huge help. fwiw, 6-8K will get you a helluva nice system that will last a long time so do not feel rushed. high end used spkrs. are a great way to go. audition new and buy used. you have a big room do not skimp on bottom end, consider this when listening in smaller showrooms. take your time and the deals will find you! 8K will get you a 15K system if you shop patiently.
Hi Steve,
You've already taken the best first step by posting on Audiogon. If you buy all your gear here, you can literally get twice as much for your money so go for some REAL high-end stuff. My suggestions would be:
Conrad-Johnson amp (MF2500A) and pre-amp (Premier 18LS). Those two pieces shouldn't cost you more than $3500 total.
An Arcam CD player (FMJ CD33) $1000 to $1350.
Martin-Logan electrostatic hybred speakers. (SL3, ReQuest, or Quest) $1200-$2500
And some descent cable (NOT MONSTER OR KIMBER, remember I said DESCENT) About $600-$1000.
One other thing would be a good stand. Around $500. And you're done. You'll be able to enjoy a VERY good, nice sounding system. And when you're ready and your ears start to get better tuned to what good gear sounds like, you can upgrade from there. AND YOU WILL UPGRADE!!!
FREE TIP: Have FUN!!!!!
Were I starting out today fresh, I'd concentrate on investigating and auditioning U.S. built gear by well/semi-well established companies who sell only/mostly through the net and have lower overhead costs than blitzkrieg-advertised, mass-produced, over-priced, over-hyped products. I prefer companies like Van Alstine; Audio Concepts (ACI); Linkwitz Lab; Salk Sound; Zero Surge; Blue Jeans Cable; Ellis Audio; etc. I would pursue gear built by craftsmen who use quality parts and are personally involved in constantly improving their products because they love quality audio.
If I had $8K today to spend as I wish I would likely get the Orion speaker as a kit (partially assembled, amplifier included), a Van Alstine pre-amp, all of my cables from Blue Jeans Cable, and a Brick Wall (Zero Surge) audio surge protector.
Hi, this question has probably given us all a great time helping you.
Where it sends my brain is "what are the best deals I've ever seen on Audiogon?" or "what have I drooled over but had a few less pennies than it took to play?"or have owned and loved..
So some ideas...
amps, Hot Rod Belles 150, ARC D130, the "2500" stated above, Spectral 90, or the McCormics (a friend has them and I think they could be matched well with other than what he has).
In tubes, Try a small used Joule, Vac, or ARC.
Pre: Spectral 10, BAT??, or MBL; in tubes VAC.
*['m having a Cd player delemna myself and didn't like a tube unit (CAL Long ago) but have enjoyed (cool) Krell 250, and 280 or (warm) Museatecks or ARC.
I'd probably go B&W 802's used or Joseph's? (do they have bass?) Vanderstein 3A sig, big appogy's, or even Merlin's.
Old Shunyata for power cable, old MIT for S.S. gear interconnects; maybe Audio Magic ribbons for the tube gear-interconnects. Lots of combos. Buy, used have fun. Go listening like others to to flea markets. Good Luck, oh and take your disks with you so that there is something you can use to write the sound onto your brain and make comparisons from week to week.
I agree with Bojack. If you budget 80% of the cost for expensive CD player, amp, preamp and costly cables and then combine this with $1500 speakers....with careful selection you will have an excellent system but you will miss out on a whole level in sound quality that you could potentially achieve with $4000 speakers!

Speakers are where 99% of your distortion occurs. They are where the rubber hits the road so to speak. Most electronics today are actually very capable in terms of reproduction with great dynamc range, low distortion and low signal to noise. (not that there aren't differences in electronics....just they are more subtle than you will find between various speakers or if you go for better quality more expensive speakers.)

BTW: Bryston is professional grade gear and about the only "midfi" thing about Bryston, in my view, is their exceptionally good value!

...just my two cents....good luck!