Review: Tel Wire Cord Tel Wire Cord Power cord

Category: Cables

Tel Wire power cord.

This cord consists of OCC copper conductors and the excellent Oyaide P-004 and C-004 connectors. These connectors make a very positive connection with a tight fit.

The power cord seemed to sound better initially than most other power cords which require extensive burn-in. The designer claims no burn is necessary.

First serious listen however, revealed a rather odd bass quality which did not have a clear defined tonal character in the bass notes.
This was bad enough that this would have been a deal breaker.

So, I put the cable on my Audiodharma Cable Cooker for 5 days before giving it any more serious evaluation.

After Cooking, I then again tried the cord on my Pass Labs X350.5 amp.

After proper burn in, the cable now exerted a very nice transparent sound with a neutral character and a nice black background.
The cord sounded very smooth, with excellent spatial cues. The bass now had a rather nice tight round character, very nice improvement.

I also tried this cable on my Video DVD Player, (a Denon 5910.)
The Tel Wire greatly improved the Video and sound quality compared to my previous cable that I used on it (a Electraglide Epiphany X.)

I believe the internal conductors are 12 gauge. Compared to some highly $$$ Power cables listed below , the Tel Wire Cable is a little less dynamic, and I also needed to turn up my Amplifier volume slightly more.

Though these may not be up to my highly expensive power cords on Audio they are not too far behind.
Probably within 70% of the performance of those $$$ Cables.

What a steal!

Power cords comparison

•Electraglide Epiphany X
•Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2
•Purist Audio Anniversary.

Equipment tested with

•Video-Denon 5910 plugged into a Hydra 8 on a separate dedicated 20 Amp outlet
•Audio-APL 3910 plugged into separate dedicated 20A wall outlet running direct (no preamp) to a
•Pass Labs X 350.5 Amp which is plugged in direct to a separate 30 Amp wall outlet
•Eggleston Works Andra 2 Speakers

Associated gear
•Denon 5910 plugged into a Hydra 8 on a separate dedicated 20 Amp outlet
•APL 3910 plugged into separate dedicated 20 A outlet running direct (no preamp) to a
•Pass Labs X 350.5direct in to a separate 30 Amp outlet
•Eggleston Works Andra 2 Speakers

Similar products
•Electraglide Epiphany X
•Virtual Dynamics Revelation 2
•Purist Audio Anniversary.
Chris told me in an email recently that he is experimenting with a lower gauge PC for amps. Evidently he is monitoring our comments and customer feedback.
I have a gut feeling that this current Telwire version would sound great on lower-powered amps, i.e SET, push-pull, OTL, etc. I am having wonderful results on a 17 watt EL84 amp right now. The dynamics are equal or better to a few 10 gauge cords I've tried on it.
Here's another thread on AA with some more feedback from other users: