Review: Revel Performa M-20 Speaker

Category: Speakers

I bought these after a home audition to ensure they were as neutral as they seemed in-store. They are wonderful speakers and made Stereophiles 2002 "A" list. After going through every other speaker available to me I was very frustrated. The others only excelled in one area; good on female vocals but colored instruments, good for piano but smeered vocals, etc... Then I found the Revels. They do what a speaker is supposed to do: accurately reproduce what is fed them. The M20's do that with ease. They are clear and precise. My wife is amazed every time she hears them. They play everything well. The McCormack amp is a great match with them as the system is musical and not stale sounding as it was with the Adcom GFA-555II amp (which the M20's also revealed the Adcoms' grainy highs). These speakers would satisfy anyone on any budget. They are a great deal here on audiogon as used ones go for around $1200 which is a steal. I picked up the black ash version with stands for $2000.
I have had these speakers for over 6 months and still love them. I have no need to change or upgrade. They are astounding.

Associated gear
Rega Planet cd palyer; Acurus RL-11 pre-amp; McCormach DNA-125 amp; Pioneer 9500 tuner

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I, too, own these speakers and love them equally. If you are using their (Revel) stands, you may not realize what a deleterious affect they are having on your sound. If you want more information (I believe I spoke to you awhile back) email me. If you think they sound great now, WAIT. In the speaker stand game, we just don't realize what's happening until we know what's happening.
I love em. They are best bang for the buck on the market. I did add a sub for the bass.
I bought a pair of the M-20's a little over a month ago. They replaced my 12+ year old pair of Klipsch Forte II's. What a difference! I can now listen to my favorites at serious volumes without being fatigued. Clean, clear and neutral. After a short break in the bass response improved noticeably. Rarley even have my sub on, except for movies. Great product.
I owned these speakers for awhile and elected to sell them. I must say they have a beautiful mid-range (when beautiful mid-range exists on the recording), and I really appreciate their flat impedance across the frequency spectrum (I have a Pass Aleph's very sensitive to this)..
they simply were too polite and..."buttoned down"..for my taste. I certainly agree with the comments above, ..they don't fatigue, you hear a wealth of detail, and everything sounds great on them...but that's exactly what started to bother me about them.. They lacked that last bit of snare drum crack, and finger-plucked guitar.. The notes were perfect, but "she lacks passion" as my old bandmates would say.. Maybe it's my components and maybe it's my listening room, but they just didn't give me that last bit of musical thrill...
Please understand, this isnot to disagree with the other comments (they are wonderful speakers), but a difference of opinion can be helpful for those who are making speaker decisions..
Incidentally, my system is: Michell Gyrodec SE (Dynavector X-20-H and Rega RB600 arm), Wright phono, Pioneer DVD transport, Goldmund Job DAC, (Don Garber's) Y preamp, Pass Aleph 3...and (now) JM Reynaud Trente speakers..
Hey Jeff, that's what makes the world go round. Enjoy those Reynauds. peace, warren