How does Totem do it ???

Category: Speakers

Long story short...after several years of playing the field I've found my field of the Forest! Totem Forest's that is. They love Krell amplification and a good CD player, but other than that and decent cables you got yourself a slice of heaven! How much heaven can be had for a system price of $6000...try comparing this system to what I've owned over the years:

Dunlavy SC-V's
Wilson watt/puppy 6's (twice)
B&W 801N
Totem Wind
Maggie 3.6
ML Prodigy

driven by:

Krell FPB 600 and 400CX with arc ls25 or refIImkII

Mark Levinson 334 and 336 with 380S, 32ref and 390S

BAT vkd5, vk5i


Wadia 860SE

Jinky's...I can't remmember all the gear. What I do know however is just how right the Totem speakers are with Krell driving them. I'm only using a Sony DVP999ES player and all Totem wires!! It's addictive the way Boston Symphony Hall is...simply beautifull to hear!

Anyone else have a similiar epiphany? By the way, the Krell400cxi is mind boggling...all the typical audiophile attributes with clarity and musicality beyond reproach! A steal at $2500 list!
Dear Upstate, the winds were amazing and much needed in my last house...truly fully fleshed out and lacking for nothing in terms of high end sensibilities. The Forests are more than adequate in my new space and bring a slight bit more sense of purity and expression to the table. Holographic imaging and an addictive way with dynamic contrasts and musical subtlety. Both are just so damn good..the one that couples best to the space at hand wins!! My reference is Boston Symphony Hall and the Kimmel Center, along with various live jazz venues...they seem to capture the tension and release of music in a way no other speaker can.
how do the winds sound compared to the mani 2's? i currently use the mani's but i am curious about the wind speakers.
Amazing..superior musicaly to almost anything out there...approaching the thrill you can get with a speaker like avalon or wilsons.
I've had a chance to audition the Totem Arro's, Model 1's and Hawk's all within 2 weeks at my house. The Totem's simply blow me away! What's really interesting is that while the Model 1's and the Hawks are tremendously impressive speakers in their own right, the Arro's are simply stunning for their size and price ($1300). They all have incredible focus, imaging and throw as huge of a soundstage that is as deep and wide as the rest of your system is capable of. They all just "disappear" completely. Their base response just about defies the laws of physics, tight, round, well defined and "wholesome". While they may not reach the absolute bottom, there is absolutely no "bloat" or "tubbiness" and they don't overload the room. No "one note base" with these babies. Midrange and highs are smooth and extended to the extent of the rest of the system. The Arro's are the really impressive speakers of the bunch though. One thing that really stands out about them to me is their speed. As an ex-owner of Martin Logan electrostatics, I can tell you that the Arro's have just as much SPEED as the ML's. It must be the 4.5" tiny woofer that gives them the "wings to fly" with the speed of a hummingbird. Their tonality and speed are just the ticket for acoustic stringed instruments. Just listen to any good "string" recordings and you will hear what I am talking about. But how do they get that incredibly controlled base out of a 4.5" woofer??? The Arro's have really floored me. I am still thinking why I should have to spend any more money for a pair that is larger and more expensive when the Arro's have all the bases covered?
I agree, the entire Totem line is amazing and one should let your Totem choose long as they are in your budget! I got my Totem Forests for $2400 new...for me the difference in bottom end was worth it, but I could easily live with any of the Totems!!!!