How does Totem do it ???

Category: Speakers

Long story short...after several years of playing the field I've found my field of the Forest! Totem Forest's that is. They love Krell amplification and a good CD player, but other than that and decent cables you got yourself a slice of heaven! How much heaven can be had for a system price of $6000...try comparing this system to what I've owned over the years:

Dunlavy SC-V's
Wilson watt/puppy 6's (twice)
B&W 801N
Totem Wind
Maggie 3.6
ML Prodigy

driven by:

Krell FPB 600 and 400CX with arc ls25 or refIImkII

Mark Levinson 334 and 336 with 380S, 32ref and 390S

BAT vkd5, vk5i


Wadia 860SE

Jinky's...I can't remmember all the gear. What I do know however is just how right the Totem speakers are with Krell driving them. I'm only using a Sony DVP999ES player and all Totem wires!! It's addictive the way Boston Symphony Hall is...simply beautifull to hear!

Anyone else have a similiar epiphany? By the way, the Krell400cxi is mind boggling...all the typical audiophile attributes with clarity and musicality beyond reproach! A steal at $2500 list!
i have had many different pairs of totem speakers in the past (arros, model 1's, mani 2's) and currently have all mani 2's. totems produce amazing bass for the size of the speaker, it doesn't matter what speaker it is. take the arro, a 4" bass/mid driver. placed properly, it is amazing. with the other models, you need a good powerfull amp to do the speaker justice. the model 1 and mani 2 need at least a couple hundred watts with more in reserve (more would be better: like a classe 301/401 for example). also, it also matters what you are looking for in the bass dept. if you want home theater boom, look elsewhere. if you want clean single note, realistic bass, you'll like the totems. if you don't have a powerfull amp, the hawks and forest speaker are easier to drive.
good luck
Just curious, Rbstehno, how you would describe realistic bass. You can get articulate bass out of a clock radio (as far as distinguishing notes), sometimes more so than a boomy speaker.

But when it comes to clean, 'realistic' bass, I expect the same frequencies that come out of a typical bass player's amp (or in the case of acoustic bass, his bass) to be reproduced by the speaker. The speaker has to be able to reproduce the tones and notes with articulation, but with some weight as well. Do you agree?
No, Dave, I didn't. I had some other business with them and casually asked about it - and after a bit of conversation told them I would be by to listen to them soon.

But Saturday aft, I got a call on my cell phone from them stating that a customer had just heard them and wanted to audition them at home... and that they would refuse if I was planning to show up that day. Unfortunately I was out of town and couldn't. Found out yesteray that the customer decided to buy/keep them. :-(
Your thread has revived my interest in Totem. Must be around 15 years ago I bought my Sttafs, and could hardly believe my good fortune at the wonderful music. I still enjoy them immensely in my second system.

More recently, I've paired Reference 3a Dulcets with my Nait 5i and Naim CD 5x. I had Totem Model 1 Sigs in to compare. The Model 1s were absolutely lovely; but the Dulcets outperformed them all around, at least in this system and room. Even so, the Model 1s had their own seductive magic, especially on voice and acoustic guitar, which is a huge part of what I listen to...

But Rbstenho has me wondering if the Nait, as fine as it is, (and conservative in its 50W rating) lacks the power to get the most out of the Model 1s; I have certainly not heard them with a genuine, high quality 100 WPC plus, let alone 200. Is that the key?

I've been thinking for a long time that a system based around Mani-2s might be my ultimate. I was looking to the new Simaudio I-7 at 150 WPC as a possible, but perhaps it won't be quite up to driving the Manis...

Advice on this point from Mani-lovers would be much appreciated; what are some of the best amp partnerings; know of any integrateds that really do the trick? One reputable Toronto dealer swears by the Jeff Rowland Concentra, or now the Concerto, as a partner to the Manis, but I didn't get the chance to audition yet...

Can I share a little heresy; that is, talk about appearances? Leaving music aside for a moment, I find the wood veneer finish on the Totems a gorgeous, living thing. Unspoiled by little plug holes for grill covers. A little lemon oil on the old rose-mahogany Sttafs, and they glow from within...and the Cherry finish on the Model 1s I auditioned has its own beautiful amber warmth.