"tears to the eyes good" Merlin Master VSM

Category: Speakers

I own Merlin VSM mme's. Having heard the Masters for the first time last night I can honestly say these speakers have a way of drawing you into the music emotionally to a degree that I have never experienced outside of live music. It is so transparent neutral and highly resolved that you can perceive the individual instruments in an ensemble in a way that allows you be involved with the interplay of the instruments and sense of place and space three dimensionally in your room. More importantly it brings out the energy and essence of the musical performance. Listening to the Gershwin Cuban Overture in hi-res was mesmerizing. Hearing the solo trumpet emerging was startlingly real. Rarely have I heard that instrument reproduced so naturally. There is just so much more of a sense of being sucked into the music that the usual audiophile terms and descriptors just go out the window. Wish I could afford them.
Good morning Bobby. Opinions have questionable value. Both Allan and I are entitled to have them equally. People often take dissenting opinions personally (as do you and your minions) and embrace supporting opinions as gospel (as do the protectors of the Merlin throne). It's unfortunate that the feelings of the Merlin contingent were injured. If you and your believers are going to dismiss anyone who questions any aspect of the Merlin empire, why the need to defend yourselves? I never questioned you or the speakers directly as I've only heard one of the iterations of them at a friend's home. In fact, I praised you and your customer service on these forums. Internet forums and keyboard conversations seldom result in accurate meanings or intent. If ever, you drive through my neighborhood, you would be welcome to visit, listen to my humble system (critique it if you choose) and engage in a pleasant conversation.
mt, as i said, balance and grace. if they are used this sort of this would not happen. but when an individual takes the time to tell his fellow listeners what he has found, and you respond like you did in the other forum and post "hook, line and sinker" here, it should not surprize you that feelings got hurt. allan's objection had merit because you have not heard the speaker in question and took the discussion of topic. since that is the plan of choice for a few, frustration set in. what you implied had some valid aspects but would have made a stronger case put in reasonable manner. i agree with you about keyboard conversations, that is why we all need to be more agreeable.
bobby at merlin
Bobby, I appreciate all you've said. However, as reasonable as we think are being, far too many people live in a defensive world. The soundstage of perception becomes constricted. Being more agreeable doesn't change this. If you didn't question, the upgrades which make your speakers better each time would not exist. When people don't challenge and question we end up with an economy which prohibits many of us from being able to afford your fine products.
Anyone who has been around at all knows that some things are real and some are more just marketing. Its important to be able to determine how much of each in each case.

THe "hook line and sinker" marketing focused comment provided some initial balance to the OPs observations. Nothing wrong with that. Anyone who appears to drink whatever Kool Aid too willingly is bound to be challenged. Its a good thing. That leads to balanced discussion where the facts tend to come out faster over time.
presenting your side in a manner that does not offend does not take a lot of effort, mt. and you are certainly eloquent enough to do so. being costic or sarcastic is not necessary to make a point. simply questioning an issue will result in a reasonable response even from us merlin heads. :-) what goes around comes around.
bobby at merlin