Artists that use the same song structure... different songs.

I've noticed it before. More recently, it was hard to ignore while listening to SRV "I'm Cryin'" all the while I was thinking "Pride & Joy". Thoughts?

It does seem beneath him.
Martykl- I should know better than to criticize someone w the good taste to recognize Mr. Douglas' skill.

Schubert- The people who laugh at Dolly do so, imo, by judging her w their eyes, not their ears. Although I will admit that when she goes too Nashville/Vegas, the whole package can be a bit over the top.
Swamp. I'm a classical guy all the way, but when I heard Dolly sing her delicate, achingly beautiful rendition of
"I will always love you" on my car radio in the 70's I had to pull over I was so teared up . A true artist period .

A funny, when Whitney Huston sold 87 million CD's of her far inferior version of Dolly's masterpiece, Dolly was on late night and I believe Letterman asked Dolly if she had
any problems with Whitney's version , Dolly replied "if I did the 2 million in royalties make me forget them "
I kind of agree with phasecorrect, although I understand others' points. I was hoping someone would not say, "all of AC-DC". (Which would be technically correct, but not what I was going for. I guess my point was from (one artists' output in consideration of their own catalog of songs). Does that make sense?