Linn sondek vs sme

I recently read a thread actually comparing a Linn sondek to SME and many saying that the Linn "outperformed" an SME.  Really?.  Are some people on LSD or is this a fair comparison as I am looking to upgrade in the near future and was planning on listening to SME.  I never thought they were in the same league.  I have been told that my modest scout beats the sondek.  How can that be true?  The thing is I have no dealers for either locally.  Only VPI and project.  I think I want to movin a different  direction than VPI.
I see many, many VPI enthusiasts, but for some reason I can't put my finger on, I'm not drawn to these products.  I've looked into them but can't figure out why they don't appeal. 
The reason is that I feel VPI does not have the pivoted arm mastered.  I do not like the arm.  Maybe this arm with a much lesser cartridge would be fine like an ortofon red or black.   I cannot put a different arm on my table.  I listened to the prime and I did not like the arm at all.  My friend has a mission 774 with a 774sm arm that just blows any VPI table I have ever heard away big time.  That table is over 30 years old.  I cannot find one of these tables used and I have been looking for years.  I have only seen that arm for sale once ever.  Must be rare to say the least. VPI should allow for an different arms to be used with their tables
tzh21y, when you go and listen to the LP12, do try and listen to at least a Akurate level deck with the Lingo 3 power supply. Better still, one with the current Radikal D power supply. 

tzh21y - Nothing wrong with the VPI arms.  It's users that claim there is a problem because they don't know how to use the VPI pivoted arm.  Or you can just invest in a Jelco SA-750 (name your length) and have a good-working pivoted arm that will far outperform any Linn arm.
Well, that may be,  if they are that difficult and fussy, then it is not worth it.  I actually had my table sent out and professionally set up and when I received it, it was not right and I had to reset it up again.  That would mean that all the VPI tables I have heard have never been set up correctly.  Geez. It will be interesting to hear the linn. Maybe I just need an SDS?