Tube for MHDT Labs Paradisea+ DAC

I recently purchased this DAC from a fellow AG’er. Seller was not sure of the hours on the tube, a single GE5670 tube in the buffer stage.  I wish to purchase a replacement tube however not sure what to purchase. Any suggestions?

Ag insider logo xs@2xmesch
Mofi,as a follow up, I checked out Brent Jessee’s site and will probably get a backup tube different from the one currently in place. I believe it is the original GE5670. Brent has quite a selection.

When I had the original Mhdt Paradisea DAC my two favorite tubes were the Bendix 2C51 and the GE 5 Star 5670. The Bendix is nicely detailed with great imaging and soundstage. The 5 Star is a close second and was a very good value at the time. The 5 Star did not impress me at first, but with some burn in became more coherent and much better sounding. Some people like the WE 396a, but I found it to be a bit fat in the lower mid-range and bass. The D getter WE 369a tubes seem to be considered a bit better than the later O getter tubes.

I had/have a Havana so can't comment on the buffer tube in the Paradisea but I definitely preferred the Bendix 2c51 over both the WE 396a D getter or the Tung Sol which is also very nicely balanced. I suppose it depends more on taste and system balance as much as  anything. I preferred the overall detail and clarity that the Bendix offers. It's probably a good idea to try them all! In any case the MHDT products while lacking the last word in detail are still so enjoyable to listen to and a reason I can't part with my Havana.