Linn sondek vs sme

I recently read a thread actually comparing a Linn sondek to SME and many saying that the Linn "outperformed" an SME.  Really?.  Are some people on LSD or is this a fair comparison as I am looking to upgrade in the near future and was planning on listening to SME.  I never thought they were in the same league.  I have been told that my modest scout beats the sondek.  How can that be true?  The thing is I have no dealers for either locally.  Only VPI and project.  I think I want to movin a different  direction than VPI.
If you read the thread, this is the second expert I had set up this cartridge.
Like I said before, more than likely your cartridge has a failed suspension...due to age. Just because you have 'only' 350 hours on the diamond, doesn't mean that the suspension components are not worn out or dried up. Age of the cartridge does have something to do with performance IF the suspension has issues. How old is your Benz Ref s?? When you say it sounded distorted from the beginning, then I would question the set up and particularly the VTF...too high and you could have damaged the suspension over time.  (Never mind what it has done to your records....:0( ) 
A new cartridge is definitely in order, IMO.

The cartridge is only two years old.  Suspension is fine.  I have a 10 year old glider that tracks very well.  I have a demon 103 that tracks fine as well.  Like I said, it did this from day 1
I always thought it was my arm.  Well, now I know that is not the problem. 
Well, while the Linn is a very good table,  I am very impressed by the VPI scout.  For its modest price,  there is a lot of value for the price.  Best value for the money without question.  Very suprised