Raven Audio Tube amps

I am thinking about pairing my Wilson Sasha 2's with the Raven Audio Silhouette MK2 mono blocks and Silhouette reference Preamp.  Does anyone have any experience with Raven Audio?   What do you think?   Comments appreciated.
Adding: the two 6L6GC pairs are Winged C stamped =C= which indicate Svetlana/St Petersburg.
I can say also that Dave T has been unbelievable in helping me set up a total system.  His enthusiasm and guarantee almost make it a no brainer.  He really just wants you to have the best sound you  can have within your budget parameters.

Hello Willgolf, we have Raven Silhouette amps here at Legacy Audio in our studio and we have used them at shows.  They are top notch units really well built and provide plenty of power.  We most recently used them at an off site invite only show during Cedia in Dallas.  Amazing response by all who attended.  Setup was easy and they results were stunning!  Sound Stage is deep and detailed and the top end is creamy yet detailed.   Good luck!  By the way Dave is a great guy who will go the next mile for you.
Legacy Doug...I started this forum for a friend.  I am actually looking at the Legacy Focus SE with the the Raven Reflection MK2 integrated amp.  I am also looking at the possibility of adding the Legacy Silhouettes for my theater room.  I am building a new house starting in March.  I live in Arizona and have not heard the Legacy speakers yet.  Dave told me he would have the set up available to listen to in Dallas in May.  I wish I did not have to wait that long to hear both the Raven integrated and the Legacy speakers.

hi,1st of all i have had 2 types of amplification my whole life(im 51)..i had mcintosh as a kid and NAD for last 20 years.. I have a very close relationship with some of the top analog sellers in the industry.I have wanted to get a tube amp. for about 1 year and had done my own research and some testing done at local hi end stores..I was told "ANDY,DO NOT DO ANYTHING UNTIL YOU TALK TO DAVE". inside of 3 minutes,we connected. our passion for sound is unmatched. I told him my speakers tekton enzo xl,
We both agreed a perfect match. i instantly bought the blackhawk integrated LE .  On very 1st listen..i was startled..The music has a realism that is at the very essence of pure natural sound. Every instrument had more detail,clarity and presence. the most impressive thing yet:the natural dynamics of the music. The swings are more pronounced as they were intended.  Oh,by the way..his 20 watts qeuals 200,300 or whatever of top of the line solid state. His 20 watts equals most mid to hi tube amps 75 watts..He can and will explain why.But in a nut shell its what they do with voltage regulation and power supply that no one seems to do.   if you have a real deal loud speaker big and bold and you want to hear you vinyl or your dsd files the way they  REALLY SOUND ; raven raven raven audio    its a case closed issue.. andy rothman  sharethemusic@aol.com