Is Vinyl Worth It

Great cartoon in this week's New Yorker magazine. Has a caption: 'The two things that really drew me to vinyl were the expense and the inconvenience'. Sounds familiar.
Count me in among the uninformed- why is what I'm listening to now- vinyl LP, cartridge to a SS pre, then other SS gear, digital?

perhaps this was tongs in check- that analog deserve tubs

Tubes are no better than transistors or the other way around.   A solid-state amplifier does not have to be "digital" as Freedriver erroneously suggest in his "smurky" post above,  which makes it kinda funny.

Good listening,


I prefer vinyl but happily listen to YouTube and CD when the need arises.
A friend of mine informed me that vinyl sounds better than CD. Her record player is a Crosley portable!
Dogs are vinyl,  cats are compact discs.

Like mapman,  I too am able to share an appreciation for either species and have had both in my house together and apart for as many years that I've been alive.  I think it's utterly groovy - pun definitely intended - that vinyl's recent resurgence as an artificial reproduction medium is bringing younger people into the fold of high-fidelity.  My ten year old niece loves to come over her uncle's house and flip through the LP collection...and yes,  I encourage her to operate my turntable without worry she may damage anything because...that's what uncles do.  She's developed an appreciation for Joni Mitchell early on and prefers to listen to her on vinyl because she can read the lyrics contained inside.

I think a lot of the arguments against the compact disc,  and one that I reserve for downloading,  is the loss of the tangible sense of ownership.  With vinyl you get that big beautiful thing you can hold in your hands,  often including liner notes,  posters,  photographs of the artists inside.  With the compact disc you got/get a shrunken head version of that which is not very huggable.  With downloading you get none of that - you get exxes and zeroes into a diminutive slab of plastic or metal.

My niece can hear the quality difference between vinyl and cd,  the difference between her iPod and my A&K 100 portable player.