Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers

Hi,  has anyone seen the latest audio advisor? , they have been selling some krell products,  now Constellation, I have always liked and enjoyed business with audio advisor over the last 20 years,  I'm impressed they are getting some good equipment,  what's your thoughts? 
AA are smart and aggressive online retailers who are growing their market space as they increase their customer base.They have built consumer confidence through good prices and attentive customer service.I would bet that there are lots of smaller companies that would crawl on their bellies to get some space from them and get out of the low performance high end ghetto.
     As far as the "Cheap Chinese crap" Madge used to say in the old Palmolive soap ads (circa 1981)..."You're soaking in it".
AA does have great service. IME, Music Direct customer service could care less if you buy from them.
I am really surprised Constellation is letting Audio Advisor sell their product. Among the bigger mail order-Internet websites. They are the bottom of the barrel. They would of been better off letting Acoustic Sounds or Music Direct sell their product. I guess the days of audio snobbery will be going away soon.

It's it's going to be strange seeing all that cheap Chinese crap they sell alongside Constellation.

Since you are the snob why don't you go to the "fancy" audio store
and tell the guy's to charge you triple, I mean why would you pay something $10.000 when you can pay $30.000 and it might sound better, since you overpaid.

They don't even have a phono stage from Constellation, if it exists at all. Yeah, a little strange. I like AA and Needle Doctor. Never dealt with AS, bought a few records and cds from MD and didn't like their lousy packaging and overcharged shipping for small items. Chicago..


i hate to break the bad news to you but the Constellation crowd is not AA customer base. If they wanted to do mail order they should of went with Acoustic Sounds or Music Direct. 

AA is a great company for the beginner audiophile. But no one associates AA as being a company that caters to high-end.

i guess they have nothing to lose putting it in their catalog because I am sure there not going to stock it. 

I think from a marketing point of view Constellation made a bad choice if they are really letting AA carry their line. I have a feeling that the OP might be mistaken. But I'll find out soon. I don't think a month goes by that they don't send me their catalogue.