Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers

Hi,  has anyone seen the latest audio advisor? , they have been selling some krell products,  now Constellation, I have always liked and enjoyed business with audio advisor over the last 20 years,  I'm impressed they are getting some good equipment,  what's your thoughts? 
AA seems to sell a bunch of stuff in that price range; Bryston, Krell, Lyra, Clearaudio, VPI and more...
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I'd much rather be stripped naked and humiliated by a dominatrix than venture into the local hifi audio stores. 

Audio Advisor on the other hand is fabulous. Every time I've called their customer service, I've received top notch advise without any of the attitude that I've experienced at local dealers.

I have a Kavent preamp that is a fully balanced aluminum cladded discreet dual mono power supplied astonishingly great sounding work of art that is a re-badged Vincent…I love the damn thing.  I also have a couple of those Pangea p100 (designed by Constellation's Peter Madnick) power supplies that Audio Advisor recently fixed for next to nothing (I think a surge blasted 'em somehow, but still…). A great company who's employees will take the time to discuss their stuff with zero attitude…refreshing. My local audio "Salons" sell everything at list price, don't actually seem to like music particularly (I work with musicians frequently, many of whom would love to do a gig for an audio store…I've suggested this a few times and the store dudes look at me like I'm insane), and clearly are in decline except for the mega buck gear freaks or quasi-sociopath paranoid elitists.