Best DAC for pcm files


I know i am not super top with my question because all discussion turn around the DSD but i have more than 3500 songs in pcm (apple loss less), and i am confortable with the pcm format.

So my question here is pretty simple, i looking for the best dac for pcm audio file format (please don't say DCS it's out of my budget). I want spend around 2500/3000 usd on the used market. Example : weiss 202, berkley aplha dac 2, etc.....

Do you have any recommandation?
Won means:  Overdrive SE is the DAC that the auditioner stayed with and still uses.
Post removed 
If you uses balanced connection, you may try the new Antelope Pure2. It's a professional device for mastering studio but the Dac part is the same than the Zodiac platinium (without DSD) and it's really not too expensive. Other solution (more $$) the Grace Design M905. It's magic!


with due respect to all A'gon members above, aren't we forgot one important point? we should first analyse what georgelfre music taste preference is i.e forward sounding(in a small club) or relax sound(chamber music?) and the genre of music he listens to.

I guess this way, we can gather our experience from different DACs which performs great with certain audio characteristics, i.e MSB dac is characterize for smoothness, relax, very analog & rounded which may suit music that sound harsh (use as a form of remedy) and great for country\acoustic genre? to capitalize on MSB strength ?

just my 2 cent
