Audio advisor and Constellation amplifiers

Hi,  has anyone seen the latest audio advisor? , they have been selling some krell products,  now Constellation, I have always liked and enjoyed business with audio advisor over the last 20 years,  I'm impressed they are getting some good equipment,  what's your thoughts? 
Taters,  the description of the Constellation equipment you described would sound really good with tube pre-amp,  and hybrid digital front end? 

" .....cleanest and most detailed sound I have ever heard."

I agree with your observation. This seems to be their house sound, which is rather top down in presentation. I had the opportunity to audition the Inspiration 1.0 preamp at home one day and it was much too clean and detailed to enjoy. 

J. :)
"It was to clear and detailed to enjoy"

You definitely understood what I was trying to say.

If someone wants that type of sound then I would agree with you're analysis. Like I said earlier I prefer the distortion of tube gear. Luckily in audio there is different sounding gear for each person.