Parasound Halo JC-1 for Thiel CS 5i


I have a set of Thiel CS5i's that I am running with a W4S ST1000 amp.

Would Parasound Halo JC-1 mono amps be an improvement? Why?



Hi George,

Of course I cannot find the reference to which I referred in my earlier note.

However, googled the Krell web site and looked at the Krell Solo 575 Mono Power Amplifier featuring Krell iBias Technology. The output is listed as 575 W RMS at t 8 Ω and  900 W RMS at 4 Ω. The output current is listed at 22 A peak.

The W4S ST1000 is rated at 570W at 8 Ω and 1140W at 4 Ω with a maximum output current of 40A.

I am sure that there is some dissimilarity in the specs but any amp that can double into 4 ohms from 8 ohms cannot be  a slouch and simply run out of gas for 1 to 2 ohm loads. Or can it? And if so, why?

If the watts are there, you have to get the current, correct?

I am the OP on this thread and I can tell you that the W4S is powering the Thiel CS5i's with a lot of dynamics and texture in the bass. If there is a shortfall with the amp, it is probably in the treble where on certain CDs the high notes can get edgy. But then that could be the specific recording and not the amp.

For what it is worth, I use the same amp with my Maggie 3.6's which are not as bad a load as the Thiels. I am hearing a lot more resolution throughout the audio range with the Thiels over the Maggies with the same amp.

My thinking was the 135 amp peaks with the Parasound JC1's would do a better job on the bass. However, an earlier contributor to this thread suggests that the bass will not be  a lot different but the highs would be better with the JC1's. 

We all know the answer to this question will be for me to try some other amps and see what I like. Being on a budget limits my ability to get at the real high end stuff so.....!?






It's about more than just current and power.  I think until you have a chance to properly audition the JC1's you'll never be able to answer your question.

I've owned switching amps in the past, and was very impressed with them - but I haven't heard anything (within my budget) that wants me to replace my JC1's.

It's also not just about better highs or bass performance, it's about the whole.  The JC1's do everything very well, and do it in a cohesive manner.  It's hard to put into words, but easy to hear.

Can you audition a pair?

Here is a great new amp from Accuphase if you can afford it, that will drive those Theil’s without breaking a sweat. Not as cheap or as high wattage as the JC1’s but just as brutal with it’s ability to drive low impedances.

"Accuphase’s head of engineering, Masaomi Suzuki, introduced the company’s new P-7300 flagship class-A/B stereo power amplifier ($32,000). The amp outputs 125Wpc into 8 ohms. Its versatility extends to outputting 800Wpc into 1 ohm, which means that loudspeakers with challenging, amp-wilting impedance curves should not present insurmountable problems."

Cheers George