Cleveland, OH

Anyone in the NE Ohio area that are still stalwart 2 channelers?
How about those of you who got rid of their stereo gear to go HT
only to regret it. Are you out there? COMMENTS
You're 37 and you go by "oldgrey". Wow, I'm 55, I must be "dead-and-not-know-it". :) Welcome to the Cleveland Club.

I love Don, but ultimate HT and 2 channel CAN coexist. Here's my system:

I'm hoping to have a N Ohio GTG sometime in the spring (once next step in remodel is done: riser is installed, new carpet and a total repaint job).

The misses secret: whenever she finds out what you spend, match it with her choice (mine is so understanding that it's kept us married 31 yrs without a significant WAF).
37 here too.

Dont worry about what you own, our Ears and Beers club isnt about that....its about having some fun with like minded folks, advice can always be shared too but this isnt a circle jerk high brow club where we all listen to a album and sit and discuss it like Opera's book club. Its beers, music, laughs and stories (some bullshit too).
I will post get togethers here so look for them if you want to stop over. Cheers
Wow. You could've just told me I was in the wrong league instead of smacking it in my face! Just kidding....that looks like an amazing set-up. I stand corrected.

Put me on the invite list.

"Not so" oldgrey
Thanks for the kudos. i didn't do it to show off, but to say that HT and 2 channel can happily coexist, if you plan for it. Things like HT bypass on a stereo preamp help a lot, as do dedicated signal paths, etc.
