Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced

Hello everyone,

When I think of Power Amps (or integrated amps) that play / sound way beyond their price-point and can be non-household names, I think of companies like:

  1. Belles (Power Modules)
  2. McCormack
  3. Coda

Can you guys please suggest other Power Amps / Companies that are also somewhat unknown or of great value?

Your suggestions would really help me and others.  Thanks!


I second Music Reference.  I have had the RM9 mk ii for 25 years, and it has kept up with all the changes to the system.  Even now, I believe I still have not reached its limits, as I push toward the reproduction of the natural sound on a smaller scale.
Good question.   More detail in answers on why said amp is great would be of interest.  Also compared to what?
Bottlehead. I have the Beepre preamp and it killed something four times the price. 
I 2nd the Power Modules Inc.  Dave Belles is a real master and deserves the credit that guys like Nelson Pass get.  Dave is right up there with the true masters of the audio art.