Parasound Halo JC-1 for Thiel CS 5i


I have a set of Thiel CS5i's that I am running with a W4S ST1000 amp.

Would Parasound Halo JC-1 mono amps be an improvement? Why?





My local stereo store has loaned me an A21 for an in home trial so I will get a listen and see what comes of it.

Here is the interesting thing. It was suggested to consider the A31, which is three channel because, in a two channel setup, the third unused channel would add to the two channels in use, like give more power to the two channels being used in stereo mode. 

I am having trouble understanding this and am thinking that it might not be correct.

Is there anyone who has the technical expertise to comment on this?



That A21 should be fine as well, not as good as the JC1 monoblocks but should do the trick.

As it is also a JC design with bi-polar (BJT) output stage, which should give good current ability as well.

As for the A31 adding power from the third to the two channels if the third is not used?????? (bit of sales bulls**t there) I think this is just a powersupply taxing thing not a bridging thing, as how can a signal channel be split to add to two separate channels???? (It can’t)

I’d stick to the A21, if you can’t afford or get the JC1’s.

Cheers George


Well, here is the latest on the great experiment with the Parasound A21.

At 11 o'clock on the preamp while playing Fleetwood Mac "Rumors", the A21 one started to clip and went into protection mode. 

I routinely run the W4S ST1000 at 2 o'clock with no problem.

The answer is 400 watts into 4 ohms is not going to cut it with the Thiel CS 5i's.

Any other suggestions beside the Parasound JC1's?


^I'll hazard a guess that it's not the 4 Ohm load that's the issue.

As I posted earlier: Krell.